Modern life often seems to have left the romance behind for those who have a desire to hunt for treasure. Couples today have found that playing the lottery, sweeping the beach with a metal detector, or even searching online for bargains is about as fun as it gets. For those who have a true desire to be treasure hunting couples, there are a few frontiers left. Discovering sunken ships that have been lost for years can still be a way for them to enjoy the hunt, and they might not have to get wet to discover their dreams.
Time and tides
Records of ships that have been lost over the centuries mankind has been sailing are often spotty, and descriptions are often not helpful. They might give the approximate date the ship was lost, but time and tides could have moved it across the ocean floor. Large storms often change the movement of water temporarily, so finding that hulk on the bottom might not appear possible. It takes a great deal of work to narrow down the area, and it can take years of research to even get close.
Old records
One of the best resources for finding sunken treasure is to pour through old records, and there have been plenty of couples who have found it is an interesting hobby they can share. Each of them might take a different set of books, and they can compare notes after they have gone through them. It might not seem like the most romantic of endeavours, but it can lead them right where they want to go. Finding clues that have been buried for centuries takes a sharp pair of eyes, so they can more than double their luck if both of them are willing to do the work.
Triangulation factors
There are many different ways a ship can be found after sinking, but adding up all the clues in the records might not be all that will help. Triangulation factors must include the weather, any local events that could have made changes to the sea floor, and they need to incorporate the tides in the area. Locating a ship is a treasure already, but those who are licensed to dive might also rent a boat and head out to claim their space. It can be a time of great excitement for a couple, and it might even garner them a few historical relics as they swim through dangerous coastal waters to access the relic they have pinpointed.
Armchair sleuths often leave the actual discovery to others, but some couples today would rather remain active. They might spend years tracking down one lost ship, but they find the records are an interesting way to learn about life decades or centuries ago. Some of them find it fascinating to gather the details of storms and local events, and others might discover that delving into the movement of tides over time is what takes their breath away. Locating a ship might not be the extreme physical excitement other couples enjoy, but it can be a dream come true for others.